Bush-tucker challenge !

Bienvenue everyone ! well today its all about those insects BIG and small good and bad …so the potager is booming BUT that means bugs too the worst offender of the week is blackflies  all over my cauliflower …how very dare they venture onto my beauts? so I dont want to spend money or use pesticides full of chemicals as I’m trying to keep organic and untreated so I decided to take drastic measures and whip out my big weapon- “SAVON NOIR” in France we use it everywhere – in solid form to get rid of stains and to keep drawers from sticking and in liquid form to wash floors AND get rid of pests. just a spoonful in the watering can fill it right up and water all over the caulies and cabbage and then20170624_145604 another bucketful and a cloth to gently wipe over the leaves – time consuming but it works next day GONE all but a few so another go today and they should leave them alone. They are not easy things to grow but with a bit of patience BINGO!

Next onto peach curl apparently untreatable HA HA not here … the other day in the market over a glass of kir i got talking to a french couple true campagnards they told me that it is actually caused by ants which nest under the tree and I should tie bunches of thyme around the trunk which works temporarily so next put a plastic ant killer a small dome with tunnels which the ants enter eat the poison and take it back into the nest killing it completely harsh but the only way to stop the killing you tree. IT REALLY WORKS no more leaf curl and a healthy tree . aurevoir for now JJ x

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